
Monday, August 19, 2013

My cup runneth over...

This is my brother Roland
There is a a special place in my heart for him

He taught me how to forgive....
During a very dark time in my life, I had to 
apologize to him for something I had done 
that tarnished our family's name

This is what he said:

" never happened"

Simple, pure and forever piercing...

Never had words struck the heart of this soul so deeply

I have never forgotten that example or lesson 
I have tried to train myself to do the same as he
hoping that maybe someone else might feel the same refreshing spiritual cascade of 
the waterfall of renewal as I did
bringing light to a place where there was only darkness...

Last December he learned he had stage 3 lung cancer
I Googled the heart sank with each passing statistic
I found myself with only one option

Pray in a way that I had never done before
I did...

God was in the room with me this time
and so I wrestled with Him like never before
 I didn't leave anything on the field
I understood for the first time in my life what it meant to be someone's 


Meanwhile Roland and his family prepared battle plans
They fought fear and won
They patiently persisted with faith
sharply focused.....beautiful in execution

Never had such news struck my heart so deeply
the gratitude that I felt was intense and overflowing...

Simple, pure and forever piercing

Psalm 23:5  

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